Enjoy a worry-free exhibition with our Expo Care

Property Extension

to cover the fire peril on the Insured's contents, stock, exhibition
materials and other property being used or displayed in the Insured Venue

Indoor & Outdoor Venues

Indoor and outdoor exhibition venues are both insurable

Flexible Coverage

Optional additional cover - Contractor's Employee's Compensation Insurance / Group Personal Accident Insurance

Limit of Liability
Main Cover
(1) Contractors’ All Risks (CAR)
To provide both Section I - Material Damage & Section II - Third Party Liability in
order to cover the risks arising out of the installation and dismantling of exhibition
booth(s) during the contract period

Contract Value up to HKD1,200,000
from HKD10,000,000 to HKD30,000,000
a) Vibration, Removal or Weakening of Support
b) Employer's Property
(2) Public Liability
To cover the liability risks in respect of accidental bodily injury and accidental
property damage of third party occurring at the exhibition venue during the
exhibition period
from HKD10,000,000 to HKD30,000,000
a) Property Extension - to cover the fire peril on the Insured's contents, stock, exhibition
materials and other property being used or displayed in the Insured Venue
up to
HKD10,000 per accident and in aggregate,
during the exhibition period
b) Food and Drinks Poisoning Extension
Sub-limit: HKD100,000
c) Tenants Liability Extension
Optional Cover
(3) Employees’ Compensation for Contractors
To cover full liability under Employees’ Compensation Ordinance and at Common Law
arising out of the installation and dismantling of exhibition booth(s) during the Period
of Insurance
HKD200,000,000 any one event
(4) Group Personal Accident
To cover Insured Persons against accidental bodily injury sustained while working at
exhibition venue during the Period of Insurance
Option a) Exhibition Helper
On Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disablement
HKD100,000 per person
Option b) Self-employed Persons employed by the Contractor
On Accidental Death & Permanent Total Disablement
HKD300,000 per person
Aggregate Limit
HKD3,000,000 per policy
The client can opt for either one option or both.
Important Notes
Important Notes
  1. The Insurance only covers the exhibition that is held within Hong Kong only and is valid for 9 days as from the effective date.
  2. The cover will be extended for a maximum of 2 calendar days automatically in the event of the Exhibition being delayed unavoidably due to extraordinary weather or unexpected arrangement implemented by the exhibition organiser.
  3. For Optional Cover ― Employees’ Compensation and/or Group Personal Accident,
    a) the cover must be insured together with the Main Cover. No standalone purchase of such cover is accepted and
    b) the Insured Person must be aged between 16 and 65 years old.

  4. The Employees’ Compensation cover is applicable to contractor company only and the insured contract work should be subject to the height of 9 metres above ground or floor level.
  5. A handling fee of HKD100 will be imposed for each change request subsequent to the application.

Major Exclusions

  1. Any fault, defect, error or omission in or failure of any design, plan or specification or any defect in material or workmanship;
  2. Loss of use, liquidated damages, penalties, performance guarantees or other consequential losses;
  3. Loss or damage arising out of adverse weather including Typhoon Signal No. 3 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm and rain water in Outdoor Venues;
  4. Loss or damage due to wear and tear, rust, mildew or other deterioration due to gradually operating causes; or
  5. War, strike, riot, civil commotion or similar risks, any act of terrorism, radioactive risk, communicable diseases or nuclear, etc

*The coverage features above are indicative only. Please contact us and refer to full policy documents for detailed terms & conditions, exclusions, benefit table and premium.
*In case of any inconsistencies between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.

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